Field Verification Testing

Expert field verification testing for building enclosure systems

It’s essential that installed building enclosure systems meet architectural specifications and product manufacturer requirements. BES offers detailed AMAA and ASTM-promulgated field verification testing and consulting to confirm your building systems are meeting expectations. Our extensive list of testing services is applied to mock-ups of work in progress and completed buildings.

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Comprehensive testing solutions for building enclosure systems and mock-ups

BES provides field performance verification testing to confirm that construction mock-ups and building enclosure systems meet industry standards and project requirements. Our team collaborates closely with design and construction teams, aligning on specifications, requirements, and testing parameters to maximize testing efficiency and accuracy.

Led by experienced professionals, our testing program follows rigorous protocols and prioritizes safe construction access to deliver accurate results.

We offer a wide range of testing for all building enclosure systems. We are equipped to perform most ASTM standard tests. If you don’t see the test you’re looking for, please reach out to discuss your specific needs.


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Test Standard No. Test Description
ASTM F 2420 Test method for determining relative humidity on the surface of concrete floor slabs using relative humidity probe measurement and insulating hood.
ASTM F 2170 Test method for determining relative humidity in concrete floor slabs using in-situ probes.
ASTM F 1869 Test method for measuring moisture vapor emission rate of concrete subfloor using anhydrous calcium chloride.
AAMA 508-07 Voluntary test method and specifications for pressure equalized rain screen wall cladding systems.
AAMA 501.2 Quality assurance and diagnostic water leakage field check of installed storefronts, curtain walls, and sloped glazing systems. Hand nozzle test used as a QA/QC check and for diagnostic testing to pinpoint leaks on fixed window systems.
AAMA 501.1 Standard test method for water penetration of windows, curtain walls, and doors using dynamic pressure. Airplane propeller and water spray rack up to 15 psf. limited to a height of approximately 50′ above grade.
ASTM E 1105 Test method for field determination of water penetration of installed exterior windows, skylights, doors, and curtain walls by uniform or cyclic static air pressure difference, utilizing spray rack and differential air pressure chamber.
ASTM D 5957 Standard guide for flood testing horizontal waterproofing installations, used for roof and deck waterproofing QA/QC.
Rilem II.4 Rilem tubes, used to evaluate coating continuity and masonry water absorption.
ASTM E 1715 Standard test method for evaluation of water leakage performance of masonry wall drainage systems. Water injected into masonry cavity wall and weeps via manifold to evaluate drainage efficiency and water management systems.
ASTM C 1601 Test method for field determination of water penetration of masonry wall surfaces. Trickle bar and pressure chamber used to evaluate repaired and unrepaired masonry for comparison of absorption characteristics.
ASTM E 514 Test method for water penetration and leakage through masonry. Trickle bar and pressure chamber used to evaluate repaired and unrepaired masonry for comparison of absorption characteristics.
ASTM C 1060 Practice for thermographic inspection of insulation installations in enclosure cavities of frame buildings, performed by a certified Thermographer.
ASTM D 7877 Standard guide for electronic methods for detecting and locating leaks in waterproof membranes, electronic field vector mapping (high and low voltage).
ASTM C 1153 Practice for location of wet insulation in roofing systems using infra-red imaging. Locating air leakage and wet insulation in roofing.
AAMA 1503 Voluntary test method for thermal transmittance and condensation resistance of windows, doors, and glazed wall systems. Usually a diagnostic test in response to objectionable condensation.
ASTM E2357 Test method for determining air leakage of air barrier assemblies, often used on a mockup panel and with penetrations installed (cladding penetrations).
ASTM E 2178 Test method for air permeance of building materials.
ASTM E 1186 Practice for air leakage site detection in building enclosures and air barrier systems. Bubble gun, theatrical smoke, smoke tracer (visible), infrared thermography, and audible – qualitative air leakage testing to locate air leakage locations.
Test Standard No. Test Description
ASTM E 1827 Test methods for determining air tightness of building using an orifice blower. Air leakage of building, apartment, hotel, or condominium units.
ASTM E 779 Test method for determining air leakage rate by fan pressurization.
ASTM E2319 Test method for determining air flow through the face and sides of exterior windows, curtain walls, and doors under specified pressure differences across the specimen.
E783 (Field) Test method for field measurement of air leakage through installed exterior windows and doors.
ASTM E283 (Lab) Test method for determining the rate of air leakage through exterior windows, curtain walls, and doors under specified pressure differences across the specimen.
ASTM E330 Test method for structural performance of exterior windows, curtain walls, and doors by uniform static air pressure difference.
FM 1-52 Field verification of roof wind uplift resistance, negative pressure (Bubble Test).
FM 1-52 Field verification of roof wind uplift resistance, roof assembly bonded uplift testing.
CSA-A123.21 Standard test method for the dynamic wind uplift resistance of membrane roofing systems.
ASTM C 1521 Standard practice for evaluating adhesion of installed weatherproofing sealant joints (sealant field pull test more commonly specified today).
ASTM C 1193, Appendix X1-Method A Guide for use of joint sealants: field-applied sealant joint hand pull tab, sealant pull test (lab, with field method).
ASTM C 794 Test method for adhesion-in-peel of elastomeric joint sealants, sealant pull test.
ANSI/SPRI FX-1 American National Standard standard field test procedure for determining the withdrawal resistance of roofing fasteners, roof fastener pull out.
ASTM E2570 Test method for evaluating water-resistive barrier coatings used under exterior insulation and finish systems or EIFS with drainage. Water trickle bar and chamber used to test EIFS drainage efficiency.
ASTM E 2359 Test method for field pull-testing of an in-place exterior insulation and finish system clad wall assembly. EIFS cladding pull testing. This method is adaptable to other cladding systems such as tile or stucco.
ASTM E 488 Test method for strength of anchors in concrete and masonry elements. Anchor tensile and shear strength testing for curtain walls, windows, and cladding systems.
ABAA T0002-2019 Standard test method for pull off strength of adhered and water resistive barriers using portable adhesion testers. Air barrer adhesion strenghth to sheathings, concrete, masonry, and other substrates.
ASTM D4541 Test method for pull off strength for coatings using portable adhesion testing. Pull-off adhesion strength of coatings.

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Need reliable testing for your building enclosure systems or mock-ups? Let’s talk about how our expertise can support your goals.

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