During the pandemic, BES is open for business, operating with care and caution as we continuously monitor the situation closely and implement necessary measures to protect all of our stakeholders. We assess the local situation daily, remaining vigilant and following guidelines from authorities in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut where our services have been deemed essential.
Our Plan
Remain focused on the health and safety of our employees, clients, and the greater community by integrating and adhering to strict safety procedures and protocols while continuing to deliver high-quality services.
BES is well positioned to support our clients. During the pandemic, we have converted to 100% virtual meetings, cloud-computing, and physically decentralized operations. Even under these unique circumstances, we are safely helping to solve building science challenges in service to our clients.
The integrity of our buildings has never been more important. Engineers, architects, material scientists, and construction managers are all ready to help from a safe social distance.

Our Job Site Safety Protocols during COVID-19
In conjunction with state guidelines for COVID-19 employee health, protection, guidance, and prevention, BES is providing services while implementing the following safety protocols:
Work Site Risk Prevention Practices
- At the start of each workday, the Project Manager will confirm with all employees and subcontractors that they do not have COVID-19 symptoms
- Use of eye protection (safety goggles/face shields) is recommended
- In work conditions where required social distancing is impossible to achieve affected employees shall be supplied with PPE including as appropriate a standard face mask, gloves, and eye protection
- All employees shall drive to work site/parking area in a single occupant vehicle, when reasonable
- When and employee enters a machine or vehicle which they are not sure they were the last person to enter, the employee will make sure that they wipe down the interior and doorhandles with disinfectant prior to entry
- In instances where it is possible, workers should maintain separation of 6’ from each other per CDC guidelines
- Multi-person activities will be limited where feasible (two person activities)
- Avoid face to face meetings – critical situations requiring in-person discussion must follow social distancing
- Conduct all meetings via conference calls, if possible. Do not convene meetings of more than 5 people. Recommend use of cell phones, texting, web meeting sites, and conference calls for project discussion
- To avoid external contamination, we recommend everyone bring food from home and maintain Social Distancing separation during breaks and lunch
- All individuals shall clean-up after themselves
Standard PPE Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be utilized, when appropriate in accordance with any state and job site-specific mandates in place. In addition to our standard workplace and OSHA- required safety equipment, BES staff will be equipped with the following items at all times.
- Face covering including masks and cloths
- Gloves
- Hand Sanitizer